Today I viewed the artists Eva and Franco Mattes who are part of the net art movement. I watched several of their videos to get a taste of what they are all about. Some of there work is with avatars in a futuristic setting, like a short video, in a fantasy world. Other creations consist of performances made to appear real to their audience in search of analyzing their reactions to what they are watching on a live cam. I believe the artists' goal is bring attention to their subjects, some positive, negative and surprising.
In the video My Generation 2010, the important message declares that adolescents take their gaming seriously The boys become obsessed and angered while playing video games when their scoring or goal is plummeting. Sad yet true are my reactions to the video short. I have certainly seen my kids freak out while playing video games. Just bringing attention to this subject matter is a strong message.
The avatar performances and or video shorts consists of digital imagery in a fantasy world. Characters are created in a fictitious world. It appears to be quite time consuming. Characters are tall, slim, short, and heavy. There are different characters styles: funky, punk, rocker, biker heterosexual and homosexual. What is the message? I think these video shorts are for entertainment purposes only. It appears they are pushing video boundaries a bit with the explicit sensuality. I did not see a rating on the video for mature audiences or adults only before viewing. I wonder how much time it takes Eva and Franco to create these avatar video shorts.
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